In any production or environment where you are recording audio/video data that you wish you could easily and safely distribute for reviewing purposes this device is for you. We’ve heard people wanting to use it in hospital training sessions, in large OB trucks, in fly away cases for live concerts or even in post productions studios so they can safely copy the data to several USBs at once for safe distribution during the editing process.

  • 1 in HD/SD to 8 USB Recorder, simultaneously!
  • Integrated Audio/video preview and user-interface.
  • Simple, affordable and easily set-up.

This USB Recorder can take in 1 HD/SD-SDI input with 2ch embedded audio and record it live on 8 USB sticks simultaneously. All in high quality H.264! (AES audio and analogue video with the Decklink Studio option

All-in-one user interface

  • Integrated preview of incoming data
  • Easy-to-learn interface
  • Intuitive workflow
  • Works with any standard USB stick
  • 19″ rack-mountable and reliable.

With its new Web Interface, the unit is easily controlled from any computer in the same network.

  • 1x HD/SD-SDI BNC input
  • 1x HD/SD-SDI BNC loop
  • 8x USB connectors
  • 1x LCD with menu and preview
  • 1x Power outlet
  • More inputs available with
  • the Decklink Studio option

Video Inputs
(option for Decklink Studio)
Additional inputs that are on
the Decklink Studio
Video format SD-SDI PAL 576i
HD-SDI 720p50
HD-SDI 1080i50
HD-SDI 720p59.94
HD-SDI 1080i59.94
Audio Inputs Embedded 2 channels
(AES with Decklink Studio)
ON/OFF switch 1 switch on the frontside
Interface LCD screen with buttons
Dimensions 1U 19″ rack 35cm deep
Weight 4kg
Power supply 300W 100-240V
Temperature (in use) 10 to 45°C
Temperature (storage) -30 to 60°C
Air humidity 20% to 80%
Shock resistance (in use) 5G
Shick resistance (storage) 70G
Heat build-up 1109 BTU/hr (max value)
Sound level approx 45dB



For further information regarding the LGZ USB Recorder and accessories, please contact Ivor or Jess